Adam Stein, PhD

Adam Stein, PhD

Engineer / Researcher / Innovation / Risk / Energy Technology and Policy

I work on technological innovation, comprehensive decision-making, and policy to lead the transition to clean energy sources and reduce environmental and public health impacts. I am currently the Director for Nuclear Energy Innovation at the Breakthrough Institute, focusing on leading research and policy related to the role of nuclear energy. I completed a doctorate in Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, where I researched risk and decision-making under deep uncertainty. I also hold an MBA and degrees in mechanical and nuclear engineering. I have 20 years of R&D innovation experience with interdisciplinary real-world problems. Outside of engineering and research, I am on the editorial board for Case Studies in the Environment, a member of multiple standards working groups, an assistant band director for a local school district, and an emergency first responder.


  • Innovation
  • Energy Systems
  • Risk
  • Regulatory design
  • Advanced Nuclear Energy
  • Decision Making Under Uncertainty
  • Multidisciplinary and complex systems


  • PhD Candidate in Engineering and Public Policy

  • MS in Engineering and Public Policy

  • MBA

  • BS in Mechanical Engineering

  • Nuclear Engineering
